See the whales
Most local whale siting tales are from fisherman or yachties mouths. Our local whale watching opportunities are unique.
Learn More Tall Whale Tales
Capricorn Coast offers unique watching experiences.
The Capricorn Coast area hadn’t picked up on the Whale Watching phenomenon like other areas along the Queensland coastline until recently. But that’s been the magic of our local watching experience. You might be on a chartered fishing trip, day tripping on one of the yachting experiences on offer or heading to the islands, and you’ll be surprised by a mother whale and her calf. Even more fabulous is our area has lookouts that raise you up enough to view whales from the mainland.
If you’re heading to Five Rocks during migration season you can see whales from the higher lookout points at Stockyard Point. Best viewing area in town is Capricorn Nation Park at Rosslyn Bay, hill climbs either end of Kemp beach. Or the easily accessible Wreck Point lookouts. The whale watching season is July to November, with 7,000 whales migrating on a 5,000km journey from Antarctica, your chances of seeing whales on a clear day are pretty good. Take some binoculars if you’re viewing from the mainland.
These great little vids by Anthony Vaughan of the whales. If you’re not into spearfishing, stop watching at 1 minute on above video. (And no he doesn’t spear a whale. Don’t troll for attention.)

Whale spotting from the coastline
Follow Whale Spotting Yeppoon to find out when the whales are close to shore. This community-driven page reposts reports from locals spotting whales along the coastline, which way they are heading and best vantage points to see them.