Glenda Mather
There needs to be clear identification where major infrastructure is to go. Schools, water and Sewer treatment plant, Council chambers, shire depots.

Local Election 2024 Questions for Candidates
What is your vision for our Shire? Where do you see Livingstone in 20 years? What infrastructure will be required to complete that vision?
Firstly we, the shire, must be given state assurances that there will be no more attempt to change our boundaries, or force another amalgamation.
An immediate review of our planning scheme, to identify the future locations for the Emu Park High school, and additional sites to cater for additional schools due to population growth, and expanding student numbers.
The development of GKI, jetty, sewerage, power, water (if desalination proved inadequate), walking tracks, upgrade to the lookout, reconstruction of island roads as bare minimums.
Identification of a new hospital site, as extensions to the current one will not be possible due to confined land.
Major push for additional funding to upgrade shire roads. Current funding operations are not sufficient to stabilize current ones.
The re-opening of the Marlborough works depot to allow that gang to concentrate on the northern rural roads which are currently neglected.
Road designs need closer scrutiny to control driver bad habits, thus avoiding unhappy residents – it’s a safety issue., avoid some of the traffic movements which are causing urban
Increase in sealed roads with higher VPDay, including school bus routes.
Growth corridor between Ramsay Crk and the Caves mapped out for further urban housing development, to include strategically placed commercial, industrial and heavy industrial land.
This will be the most strategic link to all areas within CQ.
Seek state funding for infrastructure charges to allow the opening of land for development due to housing pressures.
A greater relationship with RRCouncil.
What does development of our Shire look like under your leadership?
I think I’ve already answered that, but in addition.
Orderly development.
There needs to be clear identification where major infrastructure is to go.
Schools, water and Sewer treatment plant, Council chambers, shire depots.
We must avoid placing such facilities within the urban traffic paths – this causes congestion.
Given the “100,000 tree planted” commitment never happened, what are your thoughts on an urban tree movement and working towards treeing the Shire? Especially given the cost benefit to councils.
The proposal is a good one but not clearly thought out.
There needs to be a program which would allow so many each year to reach the goal.
Planting is governed by the weather, the time of year, the staff resources to plant, water, and replace where necessary.
There could be a rotation of “tree carers” to oversee their well-being.
More trees mean more open space staff to tend them. This will mean a greater budget, but the expected influx of population will help to alleviate the additional costs.
I’ve seen too many plants and trees put in only to find it was too much, too soon – many died. We need to learn to gradually introduce this plan.
As Council is required to take the Full Cost Recovery approach, after reading the 2017 Public Benefit Assessment and the AEC modelling report, what is your suggestion for reaching a pricing structure that is amicable between council and residents?
Legislation dictates what Councils must do when it reaches a population threshold, which they tell us we have reached. Water is lifeblood, and because Rocky owns the water coming from the pipeline, we must cost our customers accordingly. All the western areas north to the Caves rely on this supply.
Whether the water comes from Waterpark Crk,or Rocky, our customers all pay the same, except for Marlborough, Ogmore whohave their own supplies (one is a bore, the other a raw creek crossing held up by a manmade cement dam.
Farnborough Beach – Considering Iwasaki land is not an option presently and creating another access on their land will cost $4M, do you think closing or reducing access to Farnborough Beach should continue?
I’m not in favour of using Iwasaki land to create an alternative access. $4M is too much to spend on a road which will always be temporary and in need of maintenance.
Rural ratepayers ie primary producers, would just love to have that money to fix their existing roads which are sadly lacking.
Access was temporary lost to allow break the heat, and give time to determine the best outcome. I’ve been an advocate for permits. If they mess up, disregard road rules, they lose their right to the beach. Bad behaviour has caused this situation in the first place, and I’m not about to spend $4M to allow bad behaviour to go on elsewhere.
Southern Beaches
Would you advocate at the council table to amend the local laws allowing some of the southern beaches being opened back to the 4WDing public?
Not sure about opening these up. There needs to be a lot of consultation.
Again, permits may be the answer.
What tourism opportunities would you like to see developed in the Shire?
For a start, provide additional staff to keep out streets clean, our grass mowed, trees trimmed, sanitising soap in the toilets – just the simple things make a big difference.
There would be more, but whatever we expand or add, will be at a cost to the ratepayer.
What will you do to help promote transparency between council and the public? What processes, avenues, opportunities for communication to the public do you believe are viable options for the public to learn and understand council table decisions and operational processes?
There is much to be done to bridge the gap between Council and the community.
Community meetings, especially in the smaller communities, would be a good start.
Too much information on the Resident Reach paper, twice / year with rates notices, is not really effective, or sufficient.
There visits would also act as a gather of information to know what’s going on in those areas. The whole council wouldn’t need to go, but 3 at a time who could rotate.
What does your future Shire’s vision offer the Northern Suburbs?
Good one. The future is very bright. It’s the growth corridor for the shire.
Land is flood free up to Plentiful Crk, and The Caves would /could act as a mini Council agency, pay rates, dog regos, water etc.
There are enough one-acree estates north of Ramsay Crk, and we now need to consider expanding the urban development from The Caves township, back the other way, south.
Urban-size blocks would increase the rate base. Public consultation is needed to gather views on commercial, and industrial development. People are now waiting for this to happen.
Of course urban growth would require a sewerage treatment plant, but there would be no limit for growth.
We have Bruce highway north and south, half hour to the coast, pn the northern tail of the proposed ring road. We have Mt Charlton water reservoir over the road from the township. More residents, businesses, equates to sharing the rate load.
Given the speed of development and growth, will you be supporting a high school in Emu Park?
Will you be stepping up for our Shires youth? Not the under 12s having a movie night at the beach. The 12-25 year olds that need support, mentorship, referrals, education, entertainment, access to health information, advocacy, legal support, or just a safe place to be.
How will you be stepping up? What does that look like when implemented the community?
Our youth need to be occupied with not only sport and entertainment, but training facilities, to keep them out of trouble, and interested in furthering their career. I’;ve always stated we need for governments to provide incentives for small businesses to employ willing youths to
Look further than joyrides.
Sport is healthy. I’m sure there would be some businesses who would benefit from government subsidy/grant, which could offset some wages for the budding apprentice.
This work need not be full time but a few hours week/weekends.
Perhaps an expo for youths, and have mentors on hand to provide the experience and the benefits. There is much to be done in this area. They are our future, and we need to provide them with the tools to grow their knowledge.
Thank you for your questions. I’m out of puff now.
Regards Glenda